More Testimonials

I have been playing softball for nearly 20 years, and I made an attempt at managing a team twice. I would love to have had access to some of the helpful information contained in this book. It definitely would have saved time, money, and numerous headaches along the way.

-Brian Mercer

Some highlights:
*The chapters on sponsors and raising money have great ways to go about financing your team's tourneys or season.
*The chapter on practice gives a few great ideas to keep them fun, but keep the players sharp. One in particular that I will try this upcoming season.
*Very easy read and funny.
*Filled with numerous "why didn't I think of that" tips on keeping the team on time and informed.

Overall a excellent book that you won't say, "why did I waste 20 bucks on that for"?  If you've managed even one season you will easily relate, and should own a copy.

-A Florida reader


Above all else, I do think it's a good book, and I think there are some wonderful insights, ideas, and suggestions. Rookie/Rec managers definitely should buy this book. For them this is a valuable tool that is well worth the price.

There are a couple things I will be incorporating on one of my teams (and I consider myself pretty "seasoned"). I particularly liked the scorekeeping section (because that is how we do stats on my team - and I think you explain it very well in the book), as well as the team website section (even though it means I might have to buy another book from you, but you graciously offer a discount which is great!).

-Mark F. in Buffalo, NY


Thanks for the fast shipping.  The book is easy to read and very informative.  Good job.

-Rich Sopko in The Villages


Hey, I read most of the book and also gave it to my team's captain to read. We both found it informative and helpful. It was well worth the price and I'm looking forward to trying some of your tips out this season. Thanks again.

-Dante, Chicago
